7 Mysterious creatures Found in Deep Sea


   7 Mysterious creatures Found in Deep Sea 


  Our Earth is covered by 75% of the Ocean and only we can explore 5% of the Ocean. Today we know about 7 Mysterious creatures found in the Deep Sea. We are surprised by mysterious creatures. That was founded in the deep Ocean. We are going to explore a place where Sunlight and warmth too away from creatures. If something we find is darkness creeping in, immense pressure, scarcity of food, the temperature is near the freezing point, and the day never takes off. Let's explore the mysterious creatures that hide under the deep Ocean.

 1. Deep - water Decapod

Deep-water Decapod ( order Decapoda ), is any of more crustaceans that include shrimp, lobsters, crabs, hermit crabs, and crayfish  The presence of five pairs of thoracic legs is the basis of the name Decapod. The Greek meaning of Decapod is 10 legs. There was a great diversity of deep-water Decapod according to size and structure. The shrimplike-like species can be as small as 1cm or 0.5 inches and have elongated bodies with long abdomens that have well-developed fan tails and slender legs. Some crayfish like adult Sergestes crayfish are able to prevent shadow in the twilight by using self-product light inside of their body. The intensity of light is adapted to the amount of light coming from above.

source; Semantic Scholar
   7 Mysterious creature found in Deep Sea )

2. Flapjack Octopus

Flapjack Octopus is a unique type of Octopus that is found in the deep Ocean. Flapjack Octopus belongs to the Cirrate octopods family. We can easily see strange types of cephalopods sport webbing between their arms. That is the reason why the Flapjack octopus looks like an umbrella. The Cirrate octopus has a mantle with a pair of fins that look like miniature elephant ears. Those fins an important for Flapjack because they help the octopus swim. And also looks so cute. Flapjack Octopus spend their time mostly on the seafloor. Where he lay flat and resembled a pancake. Unlike other shallow-water octopus species, the flapjack octopus lacks ink sacs and they can not change color through camouflage.

source; OctoNation

3. Sea Pig

The Sea Pig gets their name from their swan-like appearance these sea creatures have pink, plump, oval-shaped bodies and puffy legs. Sea pigs are not large as compared to humans. Sea Pigs' lengths are 1.5 and 6 inches long. It's actually a type of sea cucumber. Their appearance are odd looking but they have tube feet on their underbelly, back and surrounding their mouth. Sea Pig spend most of their life snuffling through the muddy sediments on the seafloor, eating dead algae and dead animals like whales fallen from the surface. 

source; WIRED

4. Japanese Spider Crab

Japanese Spider Crab ( Macrocheira Kaempferi ) is the largest crab that exists in the Deep Ocean. Its appearance looks like a spider. Japanese Spider Crab length is up to 4 meters long. Its leg reach up to 1.5 m and its weight is up to 20 kg. Spider crabs live long. And the lifespan of Spider Crab is 100 years. Female spider crabs can lay up to 1.5 million eggs in a season. Spider crabs are found under the ocean which is 100 feet deep. They eat dead animals and plants. They belong to a group called decorator crabs. Spider adorn their shells with sponges or anemones for camouflage. 


source; Wikipedia


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5. Anglerfish

The anglerfish is a fish of the teleost order Lophiiformes that have bony fish named for their characteristic mode of predation in which a modified luminescent fin ray acts as a lure for other fish. Some anglerfish are notable for extreme sexual dimorphism and sexual symbiosis of the small male but the females are much larger. Anglerfish are well known for having a type of fishing rod. At the top of their head that can light up. They glow in deep waters and then attract small fish and sea creatures to eat them.


source; Wikipedia


6. Blobfish

The world's ugliest creature we can imagine we might think about the picture of the Blobfish. This poor fish was selected as the ugliest animal in 2013. A Blobfish is also known as a flathead sculpin ( Psychrolutes phrictus ). This hideous fish soared to fame with TV characters, soft toys, songs and memes created to its honor. Blobfish have no bones and virtually no muscles. Its natural habitat is 3000 feet deep it actually looks pretty normal. It has adopted a huge amount of pressure at this depth that holds its shape. 


source; reddit

7. Sea angel

Sea angel is a type of swimming snail that has muscular feet found in land snails.  Land snails have evolved into a pair of winglike structures called parapodia that are used for swimming in open water. Sea angels have small, transparent, gelatinous body and do not have a shell. These cold water creatures found in the deep water are modified gastropods.  Sea angels use their radula and tentacles to pull other swimming snails from their shells and devour them.


 source; reddit



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